Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The making of Against Nature's "Accumulus" covers

"Accumulus" CD art

Here are some photos and an explanation of the making of the "Accumulus" CD covers.

First, with a rubber roller, I roll out black water-based ink on a piece of glass. This transfers an even coat of ink to the roller:

Next, I roll the ink onto the woodblock. This block is a design I cut a few years ago:

Then I select a piece of paper for the print. This paper I made by hand in the late 90s and early 00s. I look for pieces that have the most perfect imperfections:

I place the proper side of the paper face down onto the inked block:

Then, I use a burnisher to rub the back of the paper, transferring the ink from the block to the paper:

Gently, I peel the paper off the block:

Finally, I let the prints dry:

All that's left is to cut the paper to the proper size, mount the prints on backing paper, and sign, date, and number them.

These are a few of the finished covers in their sleeves. Each is unique: